Quotes For the Week
Here you will find the collection of quotes which I have selected as “Quote for the Week” on this blog. From these, you can easily deduce what I’ve been reading recently. I have made so many highlighted selections in most of these volumes, it would require far too much space to present them all. Instead, I have determined to select just one per week, preferably one I have encountered that very same week. It is not uncommon to run across assorted quotes on Facebook but they are never properly cited, making it nearly impossible to track down the written material from which they came which frustrates me greatly. I hope you find these helpful and encouraging.
The Week of October 13th
Once the Holy Spirit has established the link between us and Christ, He keeps out of sight. I sometimes say that the Holy Spirit is shy. He is fulfilling his ministry, but His ministry is to point us to Christ the whole time, and you are enjoying the ministry of the Holy Spirit when you are enjoying Christ the whole time.
J.I. Packer – “Who Is The Holy Spirit?”
The Week of October 6th
You may preach the Law ever so fervently; if the preaching of the Gospel does not accompany it, the Law will never produce true conversion and heartfelt repentance. We do not mean to say that the preaching of the Law is without value, but it only serves to bring home to us the wrath of God. The Law bows a person down. It takes the Gospel and the preaching of faith in Christ to raise and save a person.
Martin Luther – “Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians”
The Week of September 29th
This incarnation of Christ is the foundation of all other actings of God for us; it is the very hinge on which all turn; it is the cabinet wherein all the designs of God do He, redemption, justification, glorification, all are wrapt up in it; it is the highest pitch of the declaration of God’s wisdom, goodness, power, and glory. Oh, what a sweet object of faith is this! Look fixedly on Christ incarnate! There is more in this than in all the variety of this world, or of that world to come. Here is an object of faith, and love, and joy, and delight; here is a compendium of all glories.
Isaac Ambrose – “Looking Unto Jesus”
The Week of September 22nd
Don’t go about the world with your fist doubled up for fighting, carrying a theological revolver in the leg of your trousers. There is no sense in being a sort of doctrinal game-cock, to be carried about to show your spirit, or a terrier of orthodoxy, ready to tackle heterodox rats by the score. If you really believe the gospel, you will be decided for it in more sensible ways. Your very tone will betray your sincerity; you will speak like a man who has something to say, which he knows to be true.
C.H. Spurgeon – “Lectures to My Students, Vol 2”
The Week of September 15th
It may be thou art a poor trembling soul, thy faith is weak, and thy assaults from Satan strong, thy corruptions stirring and active, and thy mortifying strength little, so that in thy opinion they rather gain ground on thy grace, than give ground to it. Ever and anon thou art ready to think thou shalt be cast as a wreck upon the devil’s shore; and yet to this day thy grace lives, though full of leaks. Now is it not worth the stepping aside to see this strange sight? A broken ship with masts and hull rent and torn, thus towed along by almighty power through an angry sea, and armadas of sins and devils, safely into its harbor. This, God is doing in upholding thee.
William Gurnall – “The Christian in Complete Armour”
The Week of September 8th
We shall never poison our people with the notion that a moral reformation will suffice, but we will over and over again say to them, “Ye must be born again.” Neither will we ever give an uncertain sound as to the glorious truth that salvation is all of grace. If we ourselves are saved, we know that sovereign grace alone has done it, and we feel it must be the same with others. We will publish, “Grace! grace! grace!” with all our might, living and dying.
C.H. Spurgeon – “Lectures to My Students, Vol 2”
The Week of September 1st
In old times, God was known by His names of power, and of majesty; but His name of mercy was reserved till now, when God did purpose to pour out the whole treasure of His mercy, by the mediation of His Son. And as this name is exalted above all names; so are we to exalt His mercy above all His works.
Isaac Ambrose – “Looking Unto Jesus”